Monday, July 23, 2018

Tulsi Cultivation in India

About Tulsi

SSP GROUP OF COMPANIES was established in the year 2007 in Udaipur - Rajasthan (India).

The company is growing at a rapid pace under the farsighted guidance of highly skilled professionals.
Besides, we also deal in “Contract Farming”. Our experience in Tulsi cultivation, marketing of plants and seeds enable us to assist the farmers in the best possible manner.
Consequently, we have earned recognition in the market.

 Tulsi cultivation in India

Tulsi Farming - Tulsi Cultivation in India

1. Tulsi or Tulasi (Ocimum tenuiflorum) or Holy Basil is a sacred plant in Hindu belief.
2. Tulsi is widely used in perfumery, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and confectionary industries.
3. The juice of the leaves possesses antiseptic, diaphoretic, antiperiodic, stimulating, expectorant, anti-pyretic and memory improving properties.
4. It is one among the few plants which purifies the atmosphere.
Tulsi Farming, Tulsi Cultivation in India
Tulsi Plans Benefits
1. Holy Tulsi helps kill bacteria and infections, so it’s a great natural home remedy for acne and other skin irritations.
2. Tulsi Protects Against Diabetes - ability to control blood glucose levels as demonstrated by several test tube and animal experiments, as well as human clinical trials.
3. Tulsi Helps Fight Cancer - work as a natural cancer treatment.
4. Tulsi Balances Hormones and Lowers Stress- Holy basil benefits include the amazing ability to keep hormone levels balanced naturally. 

5.    Holy basil is often recommended as a natural fever treatment . Its   Ayurvedic Medicine.
6.    Tulsi helps to fight a fever and restore your health quickly.
7.   Good Source of Vitamin K - Vitamin K is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in bone health and heart health. 
8.   It’s one of the main vitamins involved in bone mineralization and blood clotting, but also helps maintain brain function, a healthy metabolism and cellular health.
9.  Tulsi has the power to fight bacteria in your mouth that lead to dental issues.
10.  Relieves Headaches - holy basil as a natural headache remedy that can help relieve migraine pain.

Tulsi Supports Eye Health - Our eyes are susceptible to viral, bacterial and fungal infections that can be very dangerous. Thankfully, holy basil benefits include helping to fight these detrimental infections.